Tip 16 - How to improve consistency?

Like me, you are a parent, or a traveler, you take photos almost every day.

You get good shots every now and then, but you just don’t know whether your next shot will be good, or bad.

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  • Sometimes your exposure is too bright or too dark;

  • Sometimes your focus is on and off;

  • Sometimes you can’t get the right light;

  • Sometimes you just don’t see anything interesting;

  • Sometimes your child is simply not cooperating;

  • Sometimes…

Now let’s sit back, and tackle these one by one.

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For the first two scenarios above, you might need to work on your camera settings.

For the 3rd scenario, you certainly can’t change the light, but you need to know how to work around in different light;

For the 4th scenario, perhaps you want to simplify your image or look from a different angle.

For the last one, perhaps you could practice on communication, engage your children in their favorite activities, or simply avoid the wrong hour when they are hungry and sleepy.

While “practice, practice, practice” is a good solution, in particular, I’d suggest learning to chew before swallow.

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Focus on improving one skill for a day (or a week, or whatever time frame you set for each skill) before moving onto a different one, until you achieve consistency in that skill. Do not work on all elements at the same time. You might get overwhelmed.

Photography is a tool of communication. No matter you photograph just for fun and personal use, or for clients to generate income, or for marketing of your personal brand, consistently producing high quality images will certainly help.

Go back to Camera Settings and Techniques Chapter

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Tip 15 - How to get everyone to look at your camera?


Tip 17 - Practice Less Is More