A Parent’s Guide to Candid Photos
30 Day Photography Fundamentals
Tip 26 - Run Toward Me
If I have to share a toddler pose tip, it’s the running exercise. This is what I have learned from photographing my own kids and hundreds of other families and kids in the past.
Tip 27 - Capture the motion, using sand
Shout out to all the parents out there, you know you can't stop your kids, and they seem to never run out of energy. Next time you are in the desert, or beach, or even in a sand playground, try to use sand as the prop.
Tip 28 - Freeze the moment, with water splash and more
I’ve been talking about capturing that split second of a quick action. It’s quick and easy, for both you and your children. All you need is to use high shutter speed to capture a series of action shots within a few seconds. Here are a list of props you can use.
Tip 29 - Art Of Unposing Selfie Tips
BONUS tip: 2020 was certainly a special year. I took more selfies than usual, when we did not travel. So here is some of my little wisdom about taking candid shots of yourself without having to pose.
Tip 30 - Define Your Path
Once you have mastered the basic photography skills, ie. knowing how to use manual mode comfortably; how to adjust settings; how to find the right light you need; how to select the appropriate photo subject based on the light condition you are given; you will have a much better sense whether you need to upgrade equipment.